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John Bitton

Hi 🙂

My name is John Biton, and I’m an master best-selling Weight loss and fitness author. In a moment, I’ll reveal to you the Key Moves you need to loosen your Glucose Excess and unlock the hidden power in your body.

But first, let me explain just how deep-rooted the problem is.


Here’s the truth: Most people don’t realize the cause of their problems is Glucose Excess.

The impact the glucose whole body never occurred to me until I saw the effect of excess glucose had on the health and well-being of my sister’s after she broke up with her boyfriend, her lover.

It was only then that I truly understood the magnitude of the problem.

We’re not just talking about a bit of soreness, or a bad feeling about your appearance.

But unfortunately, excess glucose that is not fully used as energy converts to glycogen which is then stored as fat.

Carb overload” is believed by many experts to be the #1 cause for overweight and obesity today.

When my sister went into depression following the breakup from her heart lover, she started eating non-stop and also gained about 20 pounds in two months.

I took her to some doctors to help her, but not everyone really knew how to help her and just gave her pills for depression, and medication for the side effects that caused those pills.

In a desperate attempt I also turned to nutritionists that maybe they would help my suffering sister, but they gave her all sorts of menus that didn’t really help her but even made her condition worse.

The doctors could not diagnose in depth the suffering my sister was going through,

They constantly treated only the symptoms and not the root of the problem.

This is also the reason why there are a lot of diagnoses that are not treated properly for too long.

So understand that this it’s not your fault.

However, knowing this hands you the power to finally do something about it before it’s too late.

On this site I set up you can get practical tools on how to lose weight fast in a responsible, healthy and fun way, get tips and helpful tips for a healthy, good and happy life.

Hope you enjoy using this site, and I strongly believe that if you use our tools and products, you will get impressive results in your quality of life.
To your success,
John Bitton.